IO2- Module: Escape Rooms/Break-out Boxes on Agro-Entrepreneurship – AgroEduGames

IO2- Module: Escape Rooms/Break-out Boxes on Agro-Entrepreneurship

IO2- Module: Escape Rooms/Break-out Boxes on Agro-Entrepreneurship

Upon the creation/presentation/teaching of a new method to youth workers and trainers, it is essential to offer theories and practical explanations (as in IO1), as well as to provide hands-on material for facilitating the utilization of the method, and hence its sustainability. As such, within IO2, the consortium developed an e-Learning module on Agro-Entrepreneurship, composed of 5 distinct ready-to-use Escape rooms on the field, which the consortium created from scratch.

Click here to read the Agro_EduGames e-Learning Module.

This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This website all its contents reflect views only of author, Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.

[Project number: 2020-2-CY02-KA205-001870]