IO3- Agro_EduGames Escape Card Game – AgroEduGames

IO3- Agro_EduGames Escape Card Game

IO3- Agro_EduGames Escape Card Game

In IO3 we will create an escape card cooperative game which will empower youth to cultivate their competences in AE and tackle challenges encountered in the daily routines of agroenterprises.
IO3 will be based on the IO1 outcomes. The players would assume specific roles, which will present them with more clues while playing and will attempt to search scenes, people, and objects in order to solve the mystery and escape. The players will collaborate together to beat the game. They will either escape all together or not. Their competencies on time management, critical thinking and planning, networking, communication and leadership, flexibility and creativity will be tested through the game and those will enable them to escape.

This project has been funded with support from European Commission. This website all its contents reflect views only of author, Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of information contained therein.

[Project number: 2020-2-CY02-KA205-001870]